Importance of Cloud Computing in the Healthcare Industry - Bookmark Infotech

HomeCloud ComputingImportance of Cloud Computing in the Healthcare Industry
By : Saloni Sawant

Importance of Cloud Computing in the Healthcare Industry

According to Markets And Markets, Cloud Computing in the Healthcare Industry will expand from USD 28.1 billion in 2020 to USD 64.7 billion by 2025! This already-growing sector accelerated during the COVID-19 pandemic for a variety of reasons. Almost every firm is now adopting cloud computing services to improve service quality and simplify the process.

Let's take a look at how the pandemic has affected cloud computing adoption in the healthcare industry-

Since the year 2020, it has become crucial for health care facilities to use cloud computing to store and preserve massive amounts of patient data. Because of its scalability, cloud computing enables us to easily store and handle ever-increasing data.

COVID-19 has pushed us to maintain social distance, which has led doctors to interact with their patients via video sessions, and so on. Here comes the cloud computing service! This allows hassle-free remote consultation.

Reasons why opting for Cloud Computing Services has become very important in the Healthcare Industry-

1. Portability of records with Cloud-based EHRs:

Cloud-based EHRs come to the rescue in scenarios when patient reports must be diagnosed by several medical officers! EHR (electronic health record) is a systematic gathering of a person’s health information.

Cloud-based EHR allows professionals to access data from anywhere and at any time! Even if the patient is miles away!

2. Speedy actions for medical emergencies!

It is typical to see rural areas left ignored due to a lack of connectivity with urban areas. Cloud technologies are wireless and simple to use in remote locations. As a result, critical information in an emergency may be sent more quickly and accurately.

Physicians may also treat and diagnose patients from a distance in real-time, and at a low cost! The widespread use of cloud computing technologies has benefited the cloud computing service sector.

3. Cloud-computing security:

On a daily basis, the healthcare business generates a massive quantity of data. Maintaining privacy and securing data is a crucial requirement. Data encryption, secure backup, and data verification are all required under HIPPA law in the United States. Many other countries have enacted similar laws to improve security.

India, the country that produces the most healthcare data, still not have drawn its own guidelines to protect and secure healthcare data. Until recently, it has been protected under the Information Technology Act of 2000. The Indian government, on the other hand, is working on DISHA (Digital Information Security in Healthcare Act), which would be equivalent to HIPAA.

4. Cost-effective operations

Adopting Cloud computing services allows healthcare companies to lower their initial capital investment and, as a result, the additional personnel costs associated with handling and maintaining data.

Information may be shared and viewed by anybody via cloud computing services. This aids in cost-cutting. If a patient has to review the opinions of other experts, he may not need to repeat the same tests.

Also, due to the scalability of cloud computing technology, it costs you for what you have used or are using at the current moment, which is, as a result, very cost-effective.

5. Data loss:

It was usual for patient data to be lost in traditional processes of storing patient data. Losing data on a patient with long-term chronic health conditions might be problematic. Finding the patient’s medical history in traditional ways was also too time-consuming.

Cloud computing technology aids in data storage and management. As a result, critical and sensitive information is preserved and made available at any time and from any location!

6. Scalability

Scalability is the ability to increase or decrease performance size or scale according to the demand by adding or reducing resources.

If hypothetically, a server with a capacity of 100 users is overwhelmed with 150 users, the performance will suffer as a result. In such cases, an additional resource—an additional server—is added to maintain process consistency.

One of the most significant aspects of Cloud Computing technology is scalability. The flow of patient data is not consistent. For example, during flu season, more individuals are likely to become ill. A large number of individuals were ill during the recent COVID-19 outbreak. Storing such data is very important, and cloud computing makes it simple!

The Bottom-line!

Cloud computing technology is still believed to be in its early stages. This simply means that it will evolve beyond our wildest imaginings in the future years! In the United States, HIPAA has made it obligatory to use EHRs and EMRs or face penalties. In India, the government is working on passing a security bill known as DISHA. Such evolutionary activities are causing a significant change in the healthcare industry. Companies that provide cloud computing services are doing extremely well as a result of this transformation.

Cloud computing technologies will be required in the healthcare industry in the next years. Its feature—easy accessibility and portability of information—makes our life even simpler.

In the future, this technology will be better refined, removing the majority of its drawbacks!

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