Mobile Application Security Testing Course

Mobile Application Security Testing Course Problem

With the advent of the smartphone explosion, most web applications are diversifying into mobile applications.

What You'll Learn

    • Mobile App Penetration Testing
    • Mobile Threats, Attacks, Vulnerabilities, and Countermeasures
    • Key Security Requirements in the Mobile Environment
    • Mobile Application Security, Penetration, and Secure Coding
    • Mobile App Security Concepts
    • Securing Mobile Applications
    • Methods to Decompile Client-side Code
    • Various Vulnerabilities in Mobile Environments
    • Advanced Mobile app Security Topics



Associate Penetration Tester

Choose from a wide variety of (IaaS), Cloud-Native (PaaS) for all compute, networking.

Penetration Tester (Security Engineer I)

Choose from a wide variety of (IaaS), Cloud-Native (PaaS) for all compute, networking.

Security Product Penetration Tester

Choose from a wide variety of (IaaS), Cloud-Native (PaaS) for all compute, networking.

Cyber Security Analyst

Choose from a wide variety of (IaaS), Cloud-Native (PaaS) for all compute, networking.

Vulnerability & Penetration Tester

Choose from a wide variety of (IaaS), Cloud-Native (PaaS) for all compute, networking.

Security Consultant

Choose from a wide variety of (IaaS), Cloud-Native (PaaS) for all compute, networking.

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